Arabidopsis RETINOBLASTOMA RELATED directly regulates DNA damage responses through functions beyond cell cycle control.
Horvath, B.M., Kourova, H., Nagy, S., Nemeth, E., Magyar, Z., Papdi, C., Ahmad, Z., Sanchez‐Perez, G.F., Perilli, S., Blilou, I., Pettkó‐Szandtner, A.
Horvath, B.M., Kourova, H., Nagy, S., Nemeth, E., Magyar, Z., Papdi, C., Ahmad, Z., Sanchez‐Perez, G.F., Perilli, S., Blilou, I. and Pettkó‐Szandtner, A. Arabidopsis RETINOBLASTOMA RELATED directly regulates DNA damage responses through functions beyond cell cycle control. The EMBO journal, p.e201694561, 2017.