

Professor Alfredo Cruz Ramirez visits KAUST to give a seminar on 'functional genomics approaches to unravel the molecular basis of limb regeneration in Axolotl'

​​In Professor's Alfredo research group the major goal is to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying cell reprogramming events and their influence in developmental complexity. Plants and animals have integrated different regulatory processes to tightly control in time and space key molecular factors during diverse cell reprogramming events. For example i) cell transitions from Stem Cells (SCs) to differentiated daughters in stem cell niches, ii) dedifferentiation and trans-differentiation and quiescence in the context of developmental processes such as regeneration and metamorphosis. By using genomic, transcriptomics, molecular genetics and EvoDEvo approaches, our research scope mainly focuses on:

- A multidisciplinary approach for the study of Mexican salamanders from the Ambystoma genus with a focus on the molecular networks that define processes such as metamorphosis, regeneration, and stemness;

- The study of the evolutionary conservation in plants of minimal molecular toolkits for cell reprogramming processes, with an emphasis in asymmetric cell division (ACD) of Stem Cells.